

                                                                                T he causes and effects of complex disabilities and conditions: Complex disabilities and conditions (CLDD) include those with co-existing conditions or profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD. Complex disabilities or conditions can be inherited from birth. These are for example cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and visual impairments. Other disabilities and conditions can be acquired for example traumatic brain injury, emotional disturbance and hearing and sight loss. Others can be by the defects in the functioning of the nervous system like epilepsy autism and learning disability. Learning disability happens when a person's brain development is affected, either before they ar...


RESEARCH METHODS 1 Introduction The research aim is to find out factors which underpin customer loyalty in Sainsbury supermarket. The analysis will involve the examination of strategies and methods Sainsbury used to strengthen customer loyalty. The research methods chapter is concerned with methodological issues and involves five topics. The first topic will assesses and validates the research methods used in the study. The second topic discusses data collection methods and procedures. The third topic addresses the primary data which will outline the sampling and data collections procedure. Data analysis will be talk about in the fourth topic. The fifth subject matter will summarise ethical issues and limitations of the research. 2 Research Methodology The methodology used will answer the question and address the research objectives. The research will use an inductive approach. According to Saunders et al (2007) an inductive approach will not need to start with any predeterm...


  Evidence, approaches and theories about the benefits of creativity for the wellbeing of children and young people. Creativity is the ability to challenge, question and explore. It involves taking risks, playing with ideas, keeping an open mind and making connections where none are obvious. Encouraging creativity in children and young people is useful for many reasons, including: developing confidence;   developing good relationships with those they are being creative with; finding out what their talents and strengths are and increasing their positive emotions. The creative process helps them flourish by teaching them about who they are, what they love and what they can give to the world. Creativity is often more about the process, rather than the actual product. With children, it is useful for them to focus on the purpose and importance of the creative process as opposed to the outcome.


There  are relevant legal and rights framework that underpins work with children and young people.These relevant legal and rights framework that underpins work with children and young people in residential care has been streamlined into three different parts;there is The Children's Homes regulations 2001 (amended) and the Volume 5:Children's Homes 2011 - Statutory Guidance on Children's Homes Regulations 2001(amended) as well as the National minimum standards for Children's homes. The Children's Homes regulations 2001 (amended) makes provision about the way in which children's homes are run and ensure that they are managed in a safe reliable and stable way.


Confidentiality arises where a person disclosing personal information reasonably expects his or her privacy to be protected such as in a relationship of trust [15] . Practitioners are in a position to come into possession of many personal details about families that they work with. They may be given confidential information verbally, and may however have access    to confidential records depending on their position. Passing on    an information when you should not do so can have serious consequences. It can upset people, trust may be lost, causing damage to working relationships. Respecting confidentiality is extremely important [16] .


  WRITTEN    RESPONSE                              By MR Samson Basil Magara     ID L 2000503293B Degree    Program:    Master of Arts Curriculum and Instruction Cours e: Curriculum and instructional materials developments   MODULE   TWO  cassette tapes 5-8:  Project one:  Listen to cassette Tape 5 by Dan Lioy. As a result of contempleting the material presented,write an 800-word essay:First, discuss the major points presented by Dan Lioy. Second, evaluate how the material presented by him has enhanced   your understanding of essential skills needed for good curriculum instructional materials development. Third,explain how you might use the knowledge you gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry . Introduction


17 May, 2010 Introduction In this paper I have done a detailed study of Luke 6:20-49 in which I have investigated and analyzed the methods of Jesus teaching and contents of what he taught in this passage and how this might be contextualized for a contemporary Christian audience. Contents of Jesus’ Teaching In the Sermon on the level place, Jesus taught many things to his disciples. These are: