MR Samson Basil Magara   ID L 2000503293B
Degree   Program:  Master of Arts Curriculum and Instruction
Course: Curriculum and instructional materials developments
 MODULE  TWO  cassette tapes 5-8: 
Project one: Listen to cassette Tape 5 by Dan Lioy. As a result of contempleting the material presented,write an 800-word essay:First, discuss the major points presented by Dan Lioy. Second, evaluate how the material presented by him has enhanced  your understanding of essential skills needed for good curriculum instructional materials development. Third,explain how you might use the knowledge you gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry.

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CASSETTE 5 presented,write an 800-word essay:First, discuss the major points presented by Dan Lioy. Second, evaluate how the material presented by him has enhanced  your understanding of essential skills needed for good curriculum instructional materials development. Third,explain how you might use the Listen to cassette Tape 1 by Dan Lioy. As aresult of contempleting the material knowledge you gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry.

a.The major points presented by Dan Lioy

i.The aspects of instructional theory
-optimal structuring of knowledge
-optimal sequencing for learning
-successes and failures of instruction

ii.Key instructional concepts

iii.Learning from a christian view

-the importance of the teacher
-the importance of the learner
-the importance of teacher/learner cooperation
-the primacy of scripture
-the process of teaching and learning in instruction
-the change fostered by learning

iii.Barriers to effective instruction
-auditory barriers
-sensory barriers
-stimuli barriers

iv.Individual cognitive growth

-cognitive growth in infants
-cognitive growth in younger children
-cognitive growth in older children
-cognitive growth in adolescence
-cognitive growth in adults

v.Individual social and emotional development

-emotional andsocial development in childhood
-social and emotional development in adolescence
-social and emotional development in adulthood

vi.individual physical development

-physiological needs
-safety needs
-love and belonging needs
-esteem needs

b.Evaluation of the materials presented by Lioy Dan


c.Application of the knowledge gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry

Listen to cassette Tape 1 by Dan Lioy. As a result of contempleting the material presented,write an 800-word essay:First, discuss the major points presented by Dan Lioy. Second, evaluate how the material presented by him has enhanced  your understanding of essential skills needed for good curriculum instructional materials development. Third,explain how you might use the knowledge you gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry.


a.The major points presented by Dan LIOY

i.Traits influential in the teaching process

-maintaining a clear vision of reality
- maintaining an acceptance of persons and the world
-maintaining a lack of pretense
-maintaining a commitment to a task
-maintaining awillinginess to rest, reflect, and revitalize oneself being independent of ones culture’s culture and environment
-having an attitude of appreciation and excitement maintaining an interest in social issues
having an interest in interpersonal relations maintaining a willingness to learn from others
maintaining an ability to distinguish the means from the ends having a sense of humor
-displaying creativeness

ii.Five steps in the teaching-learning process

iii. three misconceptions a out learning
-listening is learning
-reciting is learning
-memorizing is learning

iv.five significant principles of learning

-learning starts where the pupil is
-learning is based on interest
-learning is based on need
-learning takes place through activity
-learning occurs through identification.

b.Evaluation of the materials presented by Dan Lioy

c.Application of the knowledge gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry



a.The major points presented by Dan Lioy

i.Dynamic factors in the teaching-learning situation (the Teacher)

-the teacher’s attitude towards the learner

-the teacher’s attitude toward the material

-the teacher’s attitude toward the teaching

-the teacher’s personality

ii.The factors in the teaching-learnig situation(the learner)

-the learner’s concept of self
-the learner’s attitude toward the group
-the learner’s attitude toward the teacher
-the learner’s attitude toward learning

iii.principles for successful lesson planning

-setting aside adefinite time for study
-maintaining a definite place for study
-examining the material to be presented
-making full use of study tools
-examining the needs for the class members or the learner audience
-analysing the the previous study or experiences the learners have had
-analysing special circumstances or conditions
-analysing the organizational structure under which the teaching/learning event will occur

iv.Defining the goal or intent of the lesson

-considering the needs of the learners
-considering the material to be covered
-considering the intended educational outcomes

v.Guidelines for implementing the lesson

-secure attentio at the beginning of the lesson
-personalize the learning activities
-use transitions to gently move form one activity to the next
-apply the lesson to the every day experiences of the learner
-focus upon the learner
-remain flexible

vi.Key considerations for teaching.

-Teaching for knowledge
-teaching for understanding
-teaching for attitudes and values
-teaching for motor skills

b.evaluation of the materials presented by  DanLioy  

c.Application of the knowledge gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry

Listen to cassette Tape 1 by Dan Lioy. As aresult of contempleting the material presented,write an 800-word essay:First, discuss the major points presented by Dan Lioy. Second, evaluate how the material presented by him has enhanced  your understanding of essential skills needed for good curriculum instructional materials development. Third,explain how you might use the knowledge you gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry.


a.The major points presented by Dan Lioy

i.Guidelines for working out lesson aims

-considering the material to be covered in the lesson
-considering the problems and decisions the learners face evry day
-considering the specific members of the class

ii.qualities of a good lesson aim

-the aim should be brief enough to remember
-the aim should be written down
-the aim should be specific enough to be attainable

iii.Important aims to Instructional material design

-quarterly aims
-unit aims
-lesson aims

iv.Four basic methods for communicating information from teacher to learner

-direct communication
-teacher-student discussion
-independent student activity
-group student activity

v. Th information exploson and its effects on curriculum planning and instruction

b.Evaluation of the material presented by Dan Lioy

c.Application of the knowledge gained from the cassette lecture in your own life and teaching ministry

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