Reading Response


     Samson Basil Magara

I.D L 2000503293B

Program: M A in Education Curriculum and


Course    :  Developing Effective Teaching Strategies.

Degree Level: Masters

Module Two:  Creative Teaching Methods: Be an Effective

 Christian Teacher, pages 172-305

Task:   Read through the material in the chapters listed.

Complete all the activities and exercises that appear in that

Chapter, then for each chapter you complete, write at least a 650 word precise in which you demonstrate your new learning on the chapter of developing effective teaching strategies.

Chapter 8: Never too old Tell me a story.

In this chapter the author Marlene D. LeFever, has explained the importance of using a story in teaching to both teens and adults. She has also emphasized that stories ,personal illustrations, life experiences of others, sections from books, short stories, parables, myths-no matter what the form or who the writer is, stories help us participate in the reality of the Christian experience .In this chapter the author  tries to sensitize teachers to the importance of using story  with teens and adults, to encourage teachers to start a file of stories that can be used in their classes and has tired to give some practice in cutting along story down to size so that it can be used in a limited time slot. From this chapter I have learnt many insights which I will use when teaching my students .The following guidelines are of importance when one is to read and tell stories. First , begin to read yourself , read the stories of the Bible again perhaps a good and from a modern language translation or paraphrase .It is also good to read books others have named excellent .Second , record your voice as you read or tell a story . Rate yourself later deciding how you captured the feeling of the story, you varied the speed of your reading; varying your expression so listeners could tell which character was speaking. The use of pauses to build suspense, enjoying reading the story. Also read, record and evaluate a second time. The third guideline is to remember eye contact. You need to be familiar enough with the story and at ease

with the presentation of look at your students. The other thing is that let your facial
expression conveys part of the message. Also, let your voice reflect the emotions in
the story. From this Chapter also, I have learnt that it is important that one develops his
own file topics. The story should be edited to fit the classroom time, where it should
e used in an effective way to help students examine truth and learn to apply it in
their lives. This can be done by beginning reading the story or section out loud. Look
for sections you could delete. Maintain the time of the story. Right before you cut a
section; reread the last thing you will read aloud before the cut. Then practice your
edited version. An effective edit should read smoothly making its point without the
listener feeling the absence of the deleted portions.
I have also learned that using secular stories one has to be careful. Choose carefully

what you will use as part of your teaching plans. What the teacher is mature enough

to handle may be damaging to an immature student. Pick secular stories very

carefully. Delete what is inappropriate for discussion. Edit out problems for your age

level or for the spiritual maturity level of your children.

         Also from this chapter I have learned about the cost of being a writer is thus a

commitment to excellence and integrity. But for the writer who professes to be a

Christian, there is a surcharge to be paid. This is the call to sacrifice, service and

Sacrament, recognition that in using the medium of language we are in fact

employing symbolic of the word.

          Also this chapter, I have learnt about using parable as a teaching tool. A

parable is the most prominent literary devise used in Gospels. Parables fill into two

categories . First is a short story that illustrates a main point, and the other are short

stories that illustrate a main point, but also have details with specific meanings. A

good parable is like a bad whiplash.

             I have also learnt how to write parables. I n writing parables one has to

follow steps. First start by deciding what Spiritual truth your parable will

communicate. Second, decide on a problem situation around which to build your

parable. Third, limit your characters and lastly, talk your parable before you write it -

talk through with a friend.

Chapter 9: Discussion: A learning imperative.

In this chapter the author has discussed about the importance of discussion as a

learning devise. Students learn more when they take an active part in the class, when

they add comments, ask questions of their peers. Discussion is part of any good

teaching plan; discussion may be generic to youth and adult learning.

           From this chapter, I have learnt the benefit of using discussion in teaching.

These benefits are: Discussion stimulates interest and thinking, and helps students

develop the skills of observation, analysis, and logic; Discussion helps students

clarify and review what they have learnt; students can sometimes solve their own

problems through discussion; Discussion allows students to hear opinions that are

more mature and perhaps more Christ like than their own. Discussion  stimulates

creativity and aids students in applying what they have learnt in everyday situations.

When students verbalize what they believe and are forced to explain or defend what

they say, their convictions are strengthened and their ability to share what they

believe with others is increased.

           Also I have learn that the question or comment a teacher uses to start a

discussion is very important because it sets the direction of what lies ahead

.Discussion starters that begin with the words why, explain and what do you think are

usually good because these words indicate that there is something to discuss. Students

may interact as they answer. When discussing students not only review what they

have learnt but also analyses how what they have learned applies to their contemporary


           Also from this chapter I have learned that no two people in a discussion are

exactly alike. Each has biological and psychological needs, drives, and patterns for living

past experiences, and creative abilities. Each should be encouraged to contribute in

personal and unique ways. No one should be allowed to monopolize the conversation

. The success of a discussion depends on the people involved and the topic they are

discussing not on external variables such as the room arrangement. Even so, the

leader should try to make the classroom as conducive as possible for discussion.

          Also from this chapter, I have learnt that there are many different ways to

structure a discussion. All have group interaction as their goal. All provide an

opportunity to share in the learning process, using different structure can add surprise

to a discussion. It can mix people in unique ways. It can allow new people to talk.

We have total class discussion, buzz groups, brainstorming, forum discussion,

panel discussion, debate, floating panel, mixed group discussion, parent teen

wisdom exchange and interview. It is important that after discussion you evaluate

every class period in which you use discussion. Ask yourself questions to help

determine the success of your discussion time. Ask yourself in what ways did this

discussion contribute to your students understanding of todays lesson were you have

to consider each student individually. In what specific ways did the students teach?

themselves during the discussion; if each person was not involved, what can I do

next week to correct the situation, in what ways did content play a role in the


Chapter 10: Case Study: Chunk of Reality in the classroom.

In this chapter, the author has tried to explain the meaning of case study. She

explains that a case study must be a true situation in which a problem is presented.

Names and some places be changed, if any necessary, but the essentials facts must

remain the same .A case study is a short dramatic situation based on actual facts

involving actual characters who are faced with actual problems that need solving. In

a case study, the class reads the case and discusses it. In this chapter the author also

has tried to explain that both teens and adults react positively to case study .One of

the strongest aspects of a case study is that participants rarely find out what really

Happened. Students are left to grapple with the issues.

         From this chapter I have learnt useful insights which I will use to help in my

classroom teaching. On case study I have learnt I have learnt that it has many benefits

to the students. When we use case study with adults and teenagers, we can expect

some of the following things to happen. First, people will be exposed to others who

have problems similar to their own, and realizing the seminaries, they may apply the

biblical solution to their own situations. Second, students will re evaluate Sunday

school. Case study can be a tool of real world training; Third, students will become

more tolerant: fifth, scriptures become real to students who get involved in the total

study and sixth, with role play, people who participate in case study increase their

decision - making skills. They learn to analyze the case, make a decision, and

consider the consequence of that decision.

           The other important insight learnt from this chapter is that the first thing a

teacher will want to do with a case study is read it at least three times, becoming

familiar with the characters.

The other important point is to determine the issues .It is essential that one knows

what issues are obvious in the case study. It is also essential that also essential that

you determine which issues will relate to your students.

            Also another point I have learnt is that it’s quite difficult to teach a case study

because the teacher can never really be sure what direction the students

will take...As long as the teacher lectures, the teachers is in Complete Control. The teacher determines what material is being

presented and in what in order. In the Case Study Method, however, teachers

surrender their sovereignty while still maintaining control of the discussion. I also

learnt that there are certain steps the teacher needs to make the case experience

successful: a) Muster the funds: Consider specific things your students might want to

bring up; decide what your particular learning objectives will spare discussion;

present the case to the class. Also I have learnt that when presenting the case, the

techniques to use are; use of scripture; interrupt the case at different points for

discussion; interrupt the case for learning activities.

           From this chapter I have also learnt the typical case study pattern that is used

by most case writers. First we have the introduction which is a few paragraphs;

second is the transition, which is a bridge between into the events that led up to the

crisis point where the story started. Materials for cases can be found (a) live a case (b) read the articles that make good cases in secular magazines (c) newspapers are great case study sources and (d) History is full of case studies

Chapter 11: Creative Writing: Helping Students save their thoughts

In this chapter the author has written about how difficult students find writing. They

find it a challenging thing to do in class and most of them hate it .The writer in this

chapter has given suggestions on how to break through these negatives, and the

benefits from self expression through writing.

        From this chapter I have learnt many things which are very useful and which are

very useful and which will aid me in teaching my students in class how to write

.There is ways to break through their negative feelings to discover the joy of

communicating on paper. The first step is breaking through the negative which can be

achieved by doing the following. ; 1) begin with a fun writing idea, keep it small and

insignificant: 2) stress that writing in class is just talk written down. 3) Give the

option to write or think and then share 4) Dont make written comments about

spelling or punctuation.

       Students discovering their ability to communicate through writing gives them a

sense of achievement that few other teaching methods can match. To give the

students to achieve this, the teacher should always 1) choose assignments that help

students stabilize in their own minds what they believe; 2) Encourage the students to

keep many of these assignments as a permanent record their thoughts, ideas and

decisions 3) Students may be challenged to more original thinking as they hear how

their classmates express themselves. 4) Students can come to appreciate the different

ways people learn to communicate, verbally or sharing on paper. 5) Students preach

to each other in stronger terms through their writing than you would ever be able to

preach at them, writings of teenagers are strongly moral. 5) encourage creative

homework writing homework assignments 8) Use creative writing as an out read.

From this chapter also I have learnt that when students write in class, always given

them an opportunity to share what they have created. Sharing for most students is

part of the learning process. Creative writing can alert you to the problems and issues

That are vital to your students .The writing will take the form of poetry, mostly

Biblical forms where the students should be exposed to simple parallelism and a

Acrostics which are important aspects of  Hebrew poetry and Old Testament poetry.

Also it is important that when picking poems to read to your students; look for poems

that share true emotion, poems that have blood in their veins; dont rule out poems

that are not pretty: look for poems that are fresh; choose poems that teach; check the


         Also I have learnt that students should be encouraged to write their prayers as a

response from them on the lessons they learn. Allow enough time for them to do the

writing. The writing should be extended to letter writing which is the simplest and

least used form of writing. Ideas like letter writing are really projects that demand

time and out of class participation by students. Projects are important parts of

teaching and a wise teacher is always looking for the one that is just perfect for his or

her class. Often students can finish a story as a homework assignment. Homework

story starters can be more involved than What if situations done in class. It is ideal

if each student can have a copy of the story starter to take home. This writing will

have to progress to Bible review newspaper where students will complete to help

Them review what they learned from the unit they have just completed against the 

others to give the most complete and interesting newspaper coverage of the events

they have just studied.

Chapter 12: Joyful Noises

In this chapter the author, has written about the importance of music in the process

teaching. Music plays a part in our worship experience, and it should also be playing

a positive part in our teaching process. Music is a language. Its learned, and many

adults and most teenagers today speak it without an accent. But there is a real

problem over seventy percent of the human ear develops between the ages of three to

seven. The sounds the ears hear within those early years are the native sounds that

will not be erased by subsequent experiences. This means that some teachers,

particularly in youth classes, do not speak or understand the same musical language

as their students.

            From this chapter I have learnt many ideas which are useful and which will

help me carry out the teaching process. The first thing is that music is an important in

the teaching process. It is not an easy job finding the songs that are perfectly suited

for the lesson. So the only option is to try and write a song using words to familiar

melodies. The class can either work together to write the song or work in small

groups to produce many stanzas. They brainstorm possible sentences and phrases that

would fit the music score and finally pick out what they want their song to


            Also from this chapter I have learnt that choral reading is good when you

really can not sing or talk. Choral reading for anyone, singer or not, is a wonderful

way to share praise with each other as a class and with the entire congregation as part

of the corporate worship service. In choral reading, people talk, rather than sing.

They have most of the options a singing choir has. There can be duets, solos, and total


   The other thing I have learnt from this chapter is scriptural choral reading. The

good in using scriptural choral reading is two fold, you want students to study Gods

word for them, and also want to give them a vehicle for sharing what they have

learnt with others. Neither of the goals can be honestly met if students dont become

personally involved in the passage. The students should limit themselves to; this

limitation will help them dig deeper. Only after students have studied the passage is

it time to begin working on the choral reading.

         Also from this chapter I have learnt that before you try and develop a choral

reading with your class, go through the whole process by yourself. The process

being study scripture; consider how you might write the basic choral reading, mark

sections for emphasis; practice with your choral reading group outside your class

setting and evaluate their response to hearing scripture in this form.

          The other thing which is important is that music can be used with choral

reading. This can be done by asking a musician in your class to play music that fits

the mood of what is being spoken or use recorded music that can be played as an

appropriate background to the spoken words. The students could write a chorus that

would be sung several times during the choral reading. The chorus should be

scripture only. This excellent way to commit Bible passage to memory.

Chapter 13: Art: What colors are in God?

In this chapter the author has suggested the ways to use color and form in teaching.

Teachers may need to allow others the opportunity to point out the color in God

.Because we are teachers most of us are quite verbal and we tend to pick methods for

our classes with which we are comfortable. Verbal methods feel more right. We

limit ourselves and our students when we use only familiar, safe ways to teach.

        From this chapter also I have learnt that a good way to expose yourself to color

is to participate in color bible study. The emphasis being that your color choices

and patterns or designs you scribble should work together to express moods, emotions

and attitudes. Among the tools that God can use to breathe life into our teaching is art

. We must be careful not to limit ourselves and our students to art that requires no

thought or effort to understand.

        Also from this chapter I have learned the importance of art in society. We need

to respond to our generation, not only in words but also in our own participation. We

need to encourage youth and adults who are talented artistically to increase their skills

, to be Christians who are artists.

        From this chapter also, I have learnt were to find art to use in class. This

art can be found from the following sources: artwork that is included in the

curriculum teaching packets; From libraries who have a lending service; most

museums have postcards of their most popular paintings: the reduced table at

bookstores: Subscribe to art magazines designed for art teachers .

The best way to carry out a project is to blend it with the lesson aim and be part of

the on going teaching process. Projects should never be busywork. They are

important tools teachers can use to introduce and involve students in the Christian life

to better understand how they can work for God as members of His family. Projects

can be done by any of the following: drawing of the coat of arms: color developing

an original color game for your class: using a mathematics puzzler: doing tan gram

art: using torn paper designs: using water colors: using paper sculpture; use of any

symbolic diagrams; making an identity tag; use of paper clip; use of photography;

use scripture lessons with slide.

          Also, I have learned that humor is important in our Christian education 

programs. Cartoons play an important role in this. The easiest way to use cartoons in

the class is to keep a file. When a lesson is on a subject in your file bring your

cartoons to class and post them or pass them around. File topics include: family,

consequences of actions; temptations areas; and so on; school (or work) situations

; male and female roles; life style and self -image.

           The easiest way to use cartoons in class is to find ones that have something to

do with your subject and cut off the Captions. Let the students fill them in .Students

can draw their own cartoons. Sometimes youll find a real cartoonist who can draw

humorous cartoons as part of his or her class preparation and participation.

           There are two ingredients which bring the scripture to life. One is looking at

its meaning for long periods of time and the other is to recognize the presence of the

guide who is none other than the Holy Spirit. These are the guarantees we hold that

will bring to life seemingly inanimate objects.

Chapter 14 Teaching without walls

 In this chapter the author has written about the use of the internet in learning.

Internet is changing how we relate to people. It is a powerful tool in the hands of

Computer literate people; In future this communication tool will be used in reducing

fear, use internet for class preparation; use internet in class and the new technologies

is part of the unfolding of Gods creation.

        From this chapter I have learned that internet has become a very popular way of

learning. Children are at ease with the technology and youth leaders in todays world

need to have computer knowledge.

         Also from this chapter I have learned that not all people are happy with the

knowledge. For many people this communication tool induces fear. It breaks the

teaching paradigms they have used for years. Internet is a new teaching tool that has

powerful teaching potential. There are several things people can do to reduce their

fear of change and computers; make internet friends; watch someone else using their

computer; honor your ideas by coming up with lots of ideas on how you would use

the internet; catch the student’s enthusiasm; spread news to others in the church

about what you are doing; do something just get started.

         From this chapter also I have learned how to use the internet for class

preparation. The internet can be used for class illustrations; using clipboard art, you

can create wonderful worksheets for students; can be used to share with others how

current news can be applied to scripture immediately sometimes as it is happening;

give students a chance to what you need to know, not only with you but with other

teachers of their level; Resources such as maps different versions of the bible and

commentaries are available on the net; Mentoring; Marketing testing of new ideas

and methods before and after you use them by asking others on the net to share their


I have also learned that the internet can be used in class. Some of the following ideas can or will have to be done at times other than the normal teacher. These are; two classes in one, net work with students in another school, town etc; Graffiti, electronic style, set up an ongoing discussion group where students can share ideas about God ; collaborative learning, many students learn best when they work together; missions today, through email teaching about missions moves into this decade; Homework, use family’s on-line facilities to research a topic and bring the information to class; students can send their ideas and their questions to a respected Christian for evaluation; Denominational publication; college next, search the internet for colleges that have the majors that best meet the teen’s needs.

This chapter also teaches other uses the computer can be put into. These are; Designing books, students could write biographies of people who helped build their church; It can be used for parent/teacher contact; it can be used for correspondence; Technology has enabled students with a wide range of disabilities to participate fully in mainstream classes and to develop skills previously considered beyond their capacities.

Also from this chapter I have learned that every technology has its cautions, and it’s built in dangers. Computers and the internet all can be used effectively as communication tools for Jesus. Turned inside out, those same delivery systems can be used to teach concepts that are diametrically opposed to the Gospel. As Teachers, we must have the willingness to examine what is new and pray for wisdom a bout whether it should be used t share Jesus, and if so , how it can most effectively used.

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