Nyakundi prepares to leave home earlier for work
Had a shower, parked his supper , beans and corn maize and
Drove to the m4, traffic was heavy, there was a sign
indicating junction 7-5 there was congestion.
At 5 to 7 called the work place to let them the traffic
problem on the way
The receptionist started laughing
After junction 6 it was quick
The receptionist talked of what my colleague was thinking
I was already 10 minutes late
Yesterday I was late twenty minutes
Accident at junction ten, had to explain to receptionist a
bout junction ten and going through Bracknell, Legoland to work
Took over the shift, bleep and key 116
Met max and talked about work, closing of windos in the
staff coffee lounge
Nyakundi aske about the gas, changed at 830 am
Max went change and then went home
Nyakundi went outside to inspect the premises
Nyakundi made an inside check of doors and
lights-radiography lights were switched of
Went to the staff coffee lounge
Made a call to henry- maria-talked to father in Arusha, she
had received a success card for graduation which was to be posted in London two
months ago.
The credit crunch had made people unemployed, nykundi being
one of them, the last time had worked was in august last year;
All this time was jobless
He kept on bothering the employers; calling her asking for
anything to do.
There was nothing for the last six months
He called Jame his former workmate ,there was no work
Last march, the former employer called at 3pm asking whether
he was still looking for work .she asked nyakundi to go to the office at 9pm
and will get someone to take him to work.
He was earlier at the office but it was closed, sat in his
car until the time but nobody showed up. He tried to phone but no one was
picking up the phone.later the manager called and she came led nyakundi to
The met at A322 to Windsor, she led the way and nyakundi
Parked at the car park she told to check for max who will
show him what to do.
Went to the reception
Met max and rossie the recptionis
Max started doing induction to nykundi
Nyakundi made notes to refer to later on the many jobs to
The nights were long,they did every thing together
Met nurses (Deb--),Erika,rossie-went through the routine
In the morning, I missed my way home, took a wrong exit at
the second round about
Heading for Bracknell. Had to turn and head to M4 junction 6
then to reading.
It was time that
They simply say
Go home and sleep
Have a rest from the days work.
They days are already closed
Instructions are that no more visitors are allowed in
Except with the express permission of the night sister
Only doctors may come in to see their patients.
Relatives who have been in are again at the door
What can I do for you
Open the door
A man in the group replied.
We are now closed
And tried to explain
Stop stupid barking added the man
-left the door phoned the sister in charge
asked me to allow only the pregnant woman
the rest to go home.
Chapter four
It was at 430am went up for final porters round
Put the newspapers in
am found the loudry man has left linen outside
-his time of delivery is 530 am
-no bell was working
-phoned the night nurse and informed her
-tried to peull the trolley in
rescued by Bill
the bus driver came and made a cup of coffee and left
Bill told me off for sealing the door lock to the
poters loubge and gave me the code to the door never never security area
John delivered newspapers
Chapter five
Was at work as usual at 920pm
-parked my car at the front door, left and side of the front
of the building
-going through the double automatic doors I was at the
-the reception asked whether I needed the porters keys.
I said let me go the he porters lounge for I start at 930pm.
There I met lawrence who gave me a brief handover including
what he did during the shift pushing four patients from theatre to their rooms
-I also told him that last Saturday was very ectic
and I did a lot of work
-we talked about the admission listwhich which had fifty
he said they used to have or handle up to eighty patients a
checked the doors otside and switched of the lights in
some areas
The receptionist left at ten pm
Took over the receptionis area.
Booked a tax for norses at theatre to 259 dedworth(WC
Visitors went out
Two people brought food for relative in room 240
Asked the nurse for permission
Dr sheriff came in bringing pathology reports to the
lab and left almost immediately.
Patient came in at 11pm with knee problem who had been discharged the other
Wheeled the patient back to is car to go home after
examination by the RMO
Bleeped by the by the sister in charge 1200
Arare cleaner came in at 1030 and left at 1250am
The theathre cleaner came at 11pm so left at3pm he couldn’t start at until
the theatre staff left
-at the coffee lounge
12.15 am
bleeped to open for nurses out through the front door, the nurse lives in Bracknell
on T.V SKY NEWS reporter was interviewing Pakistan
president about surrendering to the Taliban insurgents in parts of the country
Rooney was on the rampage after being given a red card
Early in the day I went to college
At the railway station met Nalindua my college mate
We went together to college on return she disappeared
at Paddington
In CBS news, president Obama announced aplan relieving
ailing banks toxic assets from the banks
The DOW surged upwards after the news
Alorry drove through, I had to walk to the reception to
see whether it was the bread van or the macclean lorry
I didn’t see any van
At six am I sarted feeling sleepy
But I couldn’t for at 430 there is the last porters
Chapter six
-Drove home
one of my cars left hand side
indicator no working
-tried to accelate and
overtak,and take left lane
at m4
drove slowly and lane two until home
-a home, just changed,put my phone alarm on for 10.30 am I had an appointment
went to the healt advisor
went to seemy solicitor
came home and ate talked to a house rentor
went to bed
woke up and phoned the solicitor( docuents and about the
impending case)
cooked the liver- talked to my house mate went to bed
talked to my new land lady
talked to my darling
my darling came in
made arranegements to move my communication services to my
new address on 2nd april
had ashower
ate ugali ad ish leaving the liver (criticised b maria as
left for work
drove through odon road, kings road and the 329m to m4 to
junction 6 to Windsor .
Arrived at 9.15 entered to the reception(carol),porers
Called that there a patient at the reception to be taken to
When at the reception
There appeared to be two patients, Lawrence and doctor were
I kept walking beside
At the lifts I left them to go up
To get time to change and start my shift
I was made to start my shift before time
It wasn’t an emergency, I made a mistake to come earlier
The receptionist(carol)
Left and I took
Dr shariif came in and some visitor from scotand came in to
see their mother very sick
Nurse blleped-patient at the door took awheel chair wheeld
her up to room 209
Left wheel chair near te reception to use for newspapers
-wathed obama on tv give a prime time address to the nation and take questions from journalists
on the economy
Because of home risks
-bleeped usband of the patient going home, order paper for
her to read(daily express) but papers are already ordered so so probably daily mail,2am
at the staff cofe lounge, watched Tv
sky news always showng the talaban and swoot valley; the
training of of britishmuslims in Pakistan as terrorists, videos shown.
After last porters round opened the doors at 5.15 and switching
on lights
Sat at the reception, to watch the linen mediclean van
Lesle came through back door, collected key 4 for the
-the cleaner9shade took key and I could see him picking
-other porters cae in, newpapapers,letters
-doctor (tall) came in
-linda came at 6.58am ,
she said it wascold outside, I told her it was warn inside especially the
-then I bid her by left the reception to my car outside with
my small bag and my jamper.
Drove form the parking and stopped at the T junction to let
other motorists to drive through
Joined Osborne road, drove ssppedly to join m4 towards
reading ,329m and London Road
to my home
Went to bed to wake up at 11.30am
Pineapple drink after a bath(shower)
Knocked at te door of the neighbour who to be taken to look
for a room
Left in maria car,through London road, alexandraroad to earleig rod
parked at te donington gardens
-at flatman agency we talked to Michael who told us there is
a room at radstock road no 58
we agreed to meet there at one oclock
-two rooms one double bed room going for 310 and single for
-she choose the lage room and asked for a good be
woodrobe and paid deposit of 150 to the
agency, non refundable.
Left her in the car and enterd newtown auto spares shop to look for aspare for
my car
we returned home
the one way street, turned left to A4 beind followed a plice
-when the green lights showed drove to A4 then turnd left into devour road
then into the left and parked
back home and then to bed to sleep for I had not slept well.
-up at 3am
had a cup of tea, put my from out on the hunger to dry
lkig a time sheet, ax number, my neighbour came in she said
she had to the estate agent to change the room she wanted, took the small one
given a copy of te
agreement to read
- later found out she had change her mind decided to take
the small room and she informed the agency.
Filledmy time sheet faxed it at Tri computers at the cost of
one pound
The neares one under our building was open but nobody in
door locked
Worked 186 hours
Being tired and going to work that night went bck to sleep
waking up at 7pm cooked
ugali, ate,with beans and milk.
Woke up at 11.50
Had a shower
Prepared breakfast (toast+cup of tea)
Lay on bed
Watched loose women programme on ITV (talking about £5 to
jump the queue at the airport-carlo saying everone would like to pay and no
quick ru then the queue slows down)
-shelly commenting about the queue culture says if youget
one standing you stand behind that person and automatically forming a queue.
-I had to go to a garage to try and get my car indicator
At the Amity garage, I met aman who barerly could speak
English, signs and a bit of urdu,.he showed me that he had done bodywork on
I decided to go to the scrp yard at winners triangle to look
for the part