L 2000503293B
Degree Program:
Master of Arts Curriculum
and Instruction
Research Methods for Biblical and Theological studies
Task. Using the information presented in the foundational modules for this
course and the required reading at the Graduate level, create a 10-12 page
proposal for an original thesis research project of your own choosing.
Declining educational standards in schools
of Nyamira District in Kenya
(Causes for
the falling educational standards in schools in Nyamira District in Kenya )
A proposal for a thesis submitted
in partial fulfilment of the requirements
of the
Degree of
Master in Education curriculum and Instruction
I. Introduction
II. Statement of the problem
a) Significance for the study
d) Hypothesis/Theories
e) Delimitations and Limitations of the study
f) Defining terms
III. Literature Review
Historical overview of the theory and research
The theory and research literature specific to the Thesis
IV. Research methodology
a) Research population or sample
b) Data collection
c) Data analysis
d) Ethical issues
V. Conclusions
VI. Bibliography
I. Introduction
Education is a key factor to
development of any country. High standards of Education are likely to
contribute to the economic and political development of the people. Each
country should be prepared to keep its standard of education high and to succeed it should be ready to allocate most of
its resources to this cause. Kenya
is a developing country. The demand for education is high. This has made the
government and other stake holders in education to spend more. In the past
decade the standard of education of schools in Nyamira District has been
falling. This can be seen by the poor examination results of each successful
year. As the leading stakeholder in educational development in Kenya , the
government has instituted many education Reviews in the last decade with
express mandate to study and recommend ways to improve the standards of
education in schools Nyamira District. Each of these reviews came out with
recommendations, which were adapted by the government. But there has been no
any significant change. This has led to
an outcry from other stakeholders like the teachers, pupils and the parents.
The main aim of this study is to highlight and reveal the problems, which have
led to the declining standards of education in Nyamira District. Also it will
give recommendations that will be open to the Ministry of Education, Schools
and other stakeholders in Education
II. Statement of the problem
In the past decade, there have been
many commissions of inquiry instituted by the Kenya
government to find out the causes of the declining educational standards in Nyamira
District in Kenya .
This has been shown by the poor performance in national examination by schools
both in primary and secondary from these areas. Their findings and
recommendations have always been handed over to the Ministry of Education for ratification
and implementation. But this has not improved the situation at all. The problem
is getting worse each year. This study is aimed at revealing the major causes
of the declining educational standards in Nyamira District in Kenya . The
outcome of my study can be used in informing Education stakeholders so that
they can take action to eradicate these problems.
1. Lack of basic facilities is the
major cause of declining educational standards in schools in Nyamira District
in Kenya ?
2. Are the teachers to blame for the falling
educational standards?
3. Parents and students are to blame
4. The government does not give enough
funds to buy learning resources
5. Central government dominance in decision
making has a role to play in the declining educational standards in Nyamira
District in Kenya .
Delimitations and
Limitations of the study
1. The school managers may not be
free to give all the information.
2. The District Education office may
not give details of the inspection reports
3. Government, school bodies/managers
may not reveal the problems associated with poor examination performance in
schools in Nyamira.
1. The number of institutions
involved in the study. Getting information from the ministry of Education.
2. Comparing information from school
and what is given by the D.E.O’S (triangulation).
Defining terms
KNEC-a body, which sets, marks and
publishes examination results at year eight and year twelve in Kenya .
TSC – A body that employs Teachers in
KNUT- A Teachers Union
in Kenya .
D.E.O- District Education office
D.I.S- District Inspector of Schools
III. Literature Review
Information from the following areas
will be used in the dissertation;
1. Different authors on the same
2. Inspection Reports about Schools
3 KNEC about performance
4 Professor Michieka's report on
performance of schools
5. TSC – Teachers Service commission
7. Internet
8. D.E.O’s reports
9. Library
10. Newspaper reports
IV. Research Design
Research methodology
A questionnaire method will be used
to collect information during the research.
Research population or sample
The research population will comprise
of schools in Nyamira District in Nyanza province Kenya . Thirty (30) schools will be
chosen at random. These will comprise primary and secondary schools in the District.
Data collection
a) Information from schools and The District Education
Offices will involve the mailing of the questionnaires to Kenya . The
following two teachers will assist in the research in Kenya ;
1. Mrs Bathseba Nyaboke Magara
2 .MR.Nyakundi Angwenyi
b). Information about Inspection, and the general
running of the schools will be got from the D.E.O’s Office at Nyamira (The
District Headquarter.)
c). Information from the Examination Council can be got
from Kenya Library Services at Kisii Town by Mrs Nyaboke and sent to me for
interpretation and analysis.
Data analysis
Collected data will be interpreted
and analysed by using tables and summary of findings.
Ethical issues
Confidentiality will be ensured as
data is collected from the Education Offices and schools.
Threads of the research will be drawn together to arrive at some
general conclusion and suggest some way forward.
Birch, w and March, (1998), Guide
to Successful thesis and dissertation, New York , Marcel Dekker
Cohen, Land Manion, (ed) (1989), Research
Methods in Education, London ,
Creswell, J.W. (1984) Research
Design, London ,
Coombes, H (2001), Research Using
Walter, R (1985), Doing Research
Fink, A, and Kosecoff (1998), How
to conduct Research Surveys
Czaja, R and Blair, T. (1996), Designing
Zaja, R and Blair, T. (1996), Designing
The Internet