Many African languages in general are rich in proverbs. This is the medium through which the people express their feelings and thoughts on different situations.These  proverbs have been handed over through word of mouth from generation to generation, but in recent years many have found their way on print media. Below are some of the common proverbs which the author has picked from different sources of African Literature

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1. Words are like eggs, when they break they cannot be put together again.- Yoruba Proverb from Nigeria.

2. When the door is closed,you must learn to slide across the crack of the sill- Yoruba Proverb from Nigeria.

3. You must have Love in your heart before you can have hope. - Yoruba Proverb from Nigeria.

4. Nobody knows the mysteries which lie at the bottom of the ocean - Yoruba Proverb from Nigeria

5. He who does not carry anything, does not break anything - Yoruba Proverb from Nigeria.

6. If you look in one direction,your neck will become still - Igbo Proverb from Nigeria.

7. When the rythm of a drum changes, the dance steps change too- Igbo Proverb from Nigeria.

8. The Puppy attempted to answer two calls at one and broke his jaw in the process - Igbo Proverb from Nigeria.

9. The world is like a mask dancing, if you want to see it well,you do not stand in one place. - Igbo Proverb from Nigeria.

10. The fact that the bridge is shaky does not mean it will break. - Igbo Proverb from Nigeria

11. The attempt exceeds the ability of one, not a multitude. - Efik Proverb from Nigeria.

12. A person looks only on the outside of things; God looks into the very heart. - Efik Proverb from Nigeria

13. Strategy is better than strength - Hausa Proverb from West Africa

14. You must live within your sacred truth. - Hausa Proverb from West Africa.

15. Hope is the pillar of Wisdom - Kanuri Proverb from Nigeria
16. Do not follow the path, Go where there is no path to begin the trail - Ashanti Proverb from Ghana
17. If you are on a road to nowhere - find another road. - Ashanti Proverb from Ghana

18. The one who asks questions does not lose his way. - Akan Proverb from Ghana
19. True Power comes through co-operation and silence - Ashanti Proverb from Ghana

20. Before healing others,heal yourself. - Gambian Proverb

21. Better a mistake at the beginning,than at the end. - Cameroun Proverb.

22. A Mother is always A Mother - Namibian Proverb.

23. Faults confessed is half redressed. - Zulu Proverb.

24. War Ends nothing. - Zaire Proverb.

25. A single bracelet does not jingle. - Zaire Proverb.

26. You cannot pick up a pebble with one finger- Malawi Proverb.

27. When you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know he had some help. Wolof Proverb.

28. Count your teeth with your tounge. - Igbo Proverb.

29. If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you will have nothing to laugh at in your old age. - Yoruba Proverb.

30. Two Rams cannot drink from the same bucket at the same time, they shall lick horns. - Benin Proverb (Nigeria).

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