Institutions are student centred environments where care and wellbeing of students are given maximum attention. The primary focus is always to ensure each student is kept safe and their welfare promoted at all times. The local care procedures facilities seek to ensure that all children and young people are provided with among other things:

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a.       Adults who encourage the development of positive self-image

b.      Adults who act as appropriate role models

c.       Emotional, physical and social development needs addressed

d.      Religious and cultural needs respected

e.      A structured environment with planned activities and excellent opportunities for learning encouraging not only learning, but also free play

f.        Boundaries and limits to behaviour[1].

All children and young people academic, personal and social skills are developed to their full potential by providing them with rich learning experiences that reflect their needs, abilities and interests which enables them to achieve[2].

Many children have many problems which they need some help in order to develop. These problems include:

a.       Hearing problems: some children have hearing impaired. They need help to overcome this problem. Institutions need trained staff to recognise the influence of hearing impairment.

b.      Speech problems: some children/young persons have speech problems which can affect them how they communicate. They need help to learn to communicate with other children and express their needs and wants.

c.       Barriers to communication: The design of some buildings lack access for people who use wheel chairs, noise and lack of privacy. The first task of the institution is to identify the barriers.

d.      Languages: This could isolate the child from other children if they have a different language to other children. This could also affect their learning. These could affect the way they interact with other children; they may speak to other children without becoming frustrated. The child’s home language must be valued. Those with different home languages need support to develop additional vocabulary which may be applied in the setting[3].

The above and many other things can only be achieved by the institution giving full recognition to the rights of children and young people in their care. It’s the institution’s responsibility to enhance a student –community cohesion by providing and adopting own procedures and action plans to develop the quality of its work in respect by following the principles cited in ‘Every Child Matters’, equality of opportunity and educational offsite visits[4].
These children also need the help of agencies. These are professionals from a variety of backgrounds who most children and families who need additional support can obtain it through one of the professionals[5]. Help can be in the form of specialist teachers for children who are learning English as an additional language; translation and interpretation services (provided by local Authorities, (blind, deaf).  Advocacy services to represent the wishes and feeling of children and young people to the courts and to provide  a view of the child’s best interest; speech and language therapists assess and treat speech and language and communication problems in people of all ages to enable them to communicate to the best of their ability. Specific sign languages such as makaton, sign along and picture exchange communicating system (PECS)[6].

There are also many different services for children and young people. This include children’s centres, Health centres and clinics, hospital play specialists, play therapists, early support family services, portage workers, and youth development services[7].

Institutions, agencies, and services have a big effect on children and young person’s development. Properly coordinated, they help many children and young person’s overcome problems they have and hence enhance their development. These help the youth to overcome their problem and develop confidence and self-esteem.

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[1] Priory policy ES 28 ,Residential Care P.2
[2] Priory Policy ES 36 Special Educational Needs, p1
[3] C Meggitt (2011),Children and Young People’s Workforce. Hodder Education p.8
[4] Priory policy ES 30, Community Cohension,P.1
[5] Meggitt p179
[6] Meggitt p10
[7] Meggit p179

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